In June 1994 Intel and Hewlett Packard announced their new partnership in the microprocessor industry, an attempt by both companies to quash their competitors. Hewlett Packard and Intel have put their heads together and developed the IA-64, code named Merced, a 64-bit processor. With Merced launch date set for the middle of 1999, articles regarding Merced are largely based on what architects Jerry Huck (Hewlett Packard), and John Crawford (Intel) revealed at the recent Microprocessor Forum. Intel and Hewlett Packard have disclosed the key features of Merced, but have not provided a detailed description of the new Instruction Set. Nonetheless what was revealed clearly symbolises Merced as the way ahead, in comparison to today's RISC, PA-RISC, and x86 chips
Merced's new instruction set has been designed to solve problems that has plagued current architectures and is radically different from anything ever attempted on mass market scale. Whether it succeeds or fails one thing is for sure it will change the computer industry forever.
Merced is emphatically not a 64-bit extension of Intel's 32-bit x86 architecture, nor an adaptation of Hewlett Packard's 64-bit PA-RISC architecture. Merced includes several features that extract more parallelism - long instruction words, branch elimination, and speculative loading, to name a few.
On top of these features Intel and Hewlett Packard promise backward compatibility with today's x86, and PA-RISC software, not a trivial task. Introducing an architecture that is able to execute both IA-32(old) and IA-64(new) software is ideal as it is difficult to convince customers to switch from one day to the next. It allows the customer to move to the new architecture slowly, for example, starting to rewrite critical parts of the Operating System and convert larger applications later.
So what is the importance of the IA-64 compiler? This is the question that will be answered in this article. The IA-64 the CPU must no longer hurriedly analyze the instruction stream at run time to uncover hidden parallelism, instead the compiler identifies the parallelism and binds this information into the machine code for the CPU to use during the processing of the code.
The Importance of the IA-64 Compiler
With the new IA-64 architecture, Intel's EPIC technique will shift complexity to the compiler to create a simpler and faster microprocessor. The Merced microprocessor uses several different techniques to extract as much parallelism from program code as possible and to speed up processing. But all of these techniques boil down to the use of the compiler. The new architecture uses the compiler for forward planning by providing hinting instructions for the CPU along with the instruction bundles in order to improve compiler/processor cooperation. When a program is compiled, the compiler can determine a very useful "model" of the data flow and logic of the program. Until now, this information was unavailable to the CPU at run-time.
Intel's latest instruction set allows the compiler to advise the CPU on what is likely to happen at run-time. A prime example of this is branch predication. Branch predication, which will be discussed later, is used to exploit as much parallelism as possible by eliminating branches at machine level.
The IA-64 compiler is also responsible for speculative loading. The compiler analyses the program, and looks for any operations which will need data to be loaded from memory. It then places speculative load instructions and speculative check instructions as early as possible in the code. These instruct the CPU to load any required data, and verify the load, before the program needs it at run-time. Again, this will be discussed in more detail later on.
The new Merced architecture also explicitly groups instructions for parallel execution. This involves Intel's EPIC instruction format which creates 128-bit instruction bundles, each containing three instruction and an information field tagged on to the end.
The Instructions - The EPIC Change
An important factor which contributes greatly towards the speed of an architecture is the way in which it process it's instructions. The new instruction set attempts, quite succesfully it seems, to resolve other problems with current architectures. The new IA-64 uses a technique, normally referred to as LIW(Long Instruction Words) encoding. This technique, which speeds up instructions processing, involves packing the instructions into groups or "bundles". However, Intel believe that the "LIW Encoding" label has "negative connotations" so have chosen to name the technique in their new architecture to be EPIC (Explicity Parallel Instruction Computing) instead. They have used this EPIC/LIW technique to implement a new instruction format which involves forming 128-bit instruction bundles, each containing three fixed-length instructions ( about 40 bits long ) and a "template" of several bits as shown below:-
The template field of the bundle, which is placed there by the compiler,
provides grouping information and indicates to the CPU which instructions,
if any, in the bundle can be executed in parallel. the IA-64 instruction
format takes this parallelism even further allowing the template to also
indicate whether entire sequential instruction bundles can be executed in
parallel. This allows bundles to be chained together to create instruction
groups of any length. The template also indicates whether one or more instructions
must be executed serially, due to register dependencies. The purpose of
these templates in the bundles is to save CPU time, because without them,
as with previous architectures the CPU had to quickly scan the instruction
stream at run time to find any hidden parallelism. Now, any parallelism
is identified at the compiler stage, and so the compiler inserts this information
into the template fields of the bundles to save the CPUs time at run time.
Each of the three instructions in the bundle contain the Opcode field, one 6-bit Predicate Register (PR) field and three 7-bit General Purpose Registers (GPR) fields as shown in the diagram above. These three GPRs are the Source 1, Source 2, and Destination register fields of the instructions. The PR field of each instruction is used to tell the CPU whether or not to execute the instruction depending on the field's value being "true" or "false".
These fields are specfic to integer and floating-point instructions and so the IA-64 architecture have included 128 General Purpose Registers and 128 Floating Point Registers in the new architecture. This increased number of registers can be taken advantage of by the compiler performing more "aggressive optimizations". The new IA-64 processors will also include 64 one-bit predicate registers.
Even though this EPIC technology isn't completely new and exciting with it being largely based on the LIW technique, it does seem as though it was a good move by Intel. For they have created a faster and more efficient processor, but most of Intel's "forward-looking" architecture, as this name suggests, just seems to be shifting work from the CPU at run-time to the compiler. This will surely result in increased compiling time and having to make the compiler more complex to allow it to find all of this instruction parallelism.
In previous architectures, when the CPU is presented with a branch, it tries to predict the outcome of the branch and speculatively executes the instructions.This can cause a heavy penalty in lost cycles if it is mispredicted. IA-64's method of predication does not attempt to predict which way the branch will fork, instead the IA-64 begins executing the code for every possible branch outcome.
When the IA-64 encounters a branch statement in the source code it analyses the branch to see if it is a suitable candidate for predication, as predication can sometimes cost more cycles that it saves. If the compiler has determined that predication will save more cycles than it will cost, it marks all the instructions with a unique identifier called a predicate. For example, the compiler might tag each instruction for a true and false branch, predicate P1, and predicate P2, respectively. The IA-64 includes a predicate field of 6-bits and so there are 64 unique predicates possible at any one time. Any number of instructions that share a particular branch path will share the same predicate. After tagging the instructions with the predicate field, the compiler then determines which instructions the CPU can execute in parallel. Please refer to diagram on the above.
At this point in the proceedings the IA-64 has most likely executed some instructions from both possible paths (true and false) - but has not yet stored any of the results. Before this final step is taken, the CPU checks the predicate registers for each result. If the predicate register contains a one, the instruction is valid, therefore the CPU retires the instruction and stores the result. On the other hand if the predicate register contains a zero, the CPU discards the result.
Predication effectively removes any negative impact of a branch instruction at machine level. In effect, with the IA-64 system, there is no branch at the machine level. There are several advantages to Predication, mostly at machine level. Predication reduces code fragmentation as the compiler can merge small basic blocks into larger blocks. The larger the block, the more freedom the compiler has to rearrange instructions in order to extract more parallism. It also reduces the penalty that current processors incur when mispredicting branches. However, predication also has a down side - whatever the outcome of the branch, the processor executes all of the possible branches, and discards the results of the branch that is not required. As stated above, the trick is to make sure that the CPU is saving more instructions than it wastes.
Speculative Loading is another technique used to extract more parallelism from program code. It also helps in reducing the long latencies of memory accesses. By 'hoisting' the load instruction higher in the instruction stream it allows the processor to load data from memory long before it is needed. This separation of the loading of data from the use of that data ensures that the CPU, while waiting for data to load from memory, does not waste time being idle.
Here is how speculative loading would handle a branch ( a decision statement, such as an if-then-else) where one path contains a load instruction : -
The compiler constantly analyses the source code looking for operations
that require the use of main memory, for example a load instruction. When
encountered, the compiler removes the load instruction and replaces it with
a speculative load instruction that is inserted into the instruction stream
before the operation that uses the data. If possible this can be above a
branch. A speculative load is used to load data from memory, several instructions
prior to its use.
Simultaneously, the compiler rearranges the instructions to increase parallelism, allowing the CPU to dispatch an unbroken stream of code that executes more than one instruction at a time. This is achieved through "data dependency", for example - an operation that requires the result of a previous operation cannot execute in parallel with that operation.
When the CPU encounters a speculative load, it tries to retrieve the data from memory. If the load is found to be invalid, the IA-64 will postpone the reporting of an exception until the specualtive check is encountered. By this time however, the branch that led to the exception has been resolved. If the path taken by the branch includes the load, the speculative check will report the load as invalid. Hence, the path is invalid and the CPU reports an exception. However, if the path with the load is not taken, then the speculative check is not executed and no exception is reported. This method prevents an exception being reported even if the branch outcome doesn't use the load instruction, as this would be a waste of clock cycles. Thus, the specualtive check instruction acts as a safety-valve for exceptions.
Compare this to todays CPUs which speculatively execute instructions beyond the branches. If the CPU guesses wrong, it must discard the speculative results, flush the pipelines and reload the correct instructions - not to mention causing exceptions when there may be no need to. This pays a heavy penalty in lost cycles.
The IA-64's ability to load data from memory, long before it's needed would be severely inhibited if a load could not be hoisted above a branch. Since branches occur about every 6 instructions, the CPU would spend a lot of time idle, waiting for data to be loaded from memory. Also, many exceptions, (that need not be reported) have been eliminated. Another saving in clock cycles. For these very reasons speculative loading is very powerful.
To make the transition from x86 (IA-32) to IA-64 smoother, Intel have incorporated "backward compatibility" into the instruction set. This means that Merced is able to execute x86 instructions (as well as the new instruction set) and, hence, provides compatibility with a broad range of x86 applications. To achieve this, the IA-64 actually contains 2 instruction sets in one (Intel considers IA-64 to be a combination of the 2).
How has it been implemented?
Much speculation has arisen amongst experts as to how Intel would provide support for IA-32 software. The main options are:
2. on-chip conversion via hardware (an expensive method)
The speculation ended when Intel's director of marketing for Merced, Ron Curry, made the comment:
"We will provide support for the IA-32 software in hardware - it will be hardware execution. It will execute those binaries directly. It's not any sort of software translation."
This technique has been characterised as "dynamic translation", basically meaning that the program is being translated as it is executed.
How will this be achieved?
Firstly, the Merced chip will be allowed to maintain a single system interface that knows how to fetch instructions into the CPU by allowing x86 and IA-64 code to intermix at all levels of memory hierarchy. The inefficiencies of hardware translation have been eliminated as Merced will be able to accept these new native-mode instructions directly from memory. The processor will be optimised for native-mode execution rather than x86 execution.
To co-mingle code at the subroutine level, two decoders will be needed and a mode bit may be used to direct code between them. Time-wise, changing modes is on a par with a normal branch instruction. Most of a program can exist in x86 code, however, subroutines and performance-critical inner loops will have to be converted to IA-6 instructions.
Both types of register will also have to be implemented. x86 registers
will be accessed by x86 instructions whereas IA-64 registers will be accessed
by native instructions. It is expected that these registers will be implemented
in hardware as this will only require a small increase in the size of the
native register file.
This design provides a great deal of flexibility in combining x86 and IA-64 code. The allowable combinations of IA-64 and x86 applications, operating systems, and low-level code are summarised in the diagram to the right.
The new instruction set will deliver far more CPU performance than it can with x86 processors. Although applications will have to be recompiled to achieve optimal performance, an x86 application running on an IA-64 operating system will see a significant increase in speed.
With backward compatibility and hardware and software support from Intel, changing to the IA-64 instruction set is no more difficult than changing from Pentium to Pentium II. Once cost and die-size reach suitable levels for Merced, it is expected that IA-64 will dominate the workstation and server markets, and rapidly displace x86 from the PC market.
Here will begin a diminishing support for RISC based systems.
We declare that each group member contributed equally in the production of this IA-64 web-page report. This report is our own personal opinion based on our interpretation of the information gathered from the sources listed below.